Frequently Asked Question

How do I manage users of an Microsoft 365 group?
Last Updated 5 years ago

You must be an owner to add or remove users from the group.  If you are unsure if you are an owner of a group, please submit a ticket.

To access the interface to manage users:

  1. Go to Outlook Online (, click on Outlook)
  2. View the group.
  3. At the top of the message list, there should be the group title, and several icons below. Click on the group title.
  4. Select the Members tab.

To add users:

  1. Click the Add Members button on the top right side of the users list.
  2. Enter the user(s) to add, then click the Add button at the bottom.

To remove users:

  1. Click the X at the far right of their row.
  2. Click OK to confirm the removal.

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