Frequently Asked Question

How do I access Ricoh network scanner functionality?
Last Updated 4 days ago


To scan large batches of documents into Laserfiche, use of a bulk document scanner is the most efficient way to complete this task.

On multi-function printers, scan-to-email does not work because the generated files are too large to push through the e-mail system. To work around this issue, most multi-function printers offer network scan drivers that allow scan jobs to be sent directly to the computer requesting the scan across the network.

These instructions show how to set up and use Canon using the Ricoh network scan driver.


Setup (to be performed by tech support)

  1. Install software dependencies
    1. Ricoh Network TWAIN Driver
  2. Configure network scanner settings:
    1. Network Connection Tool
      1. Check Specify scanner(s) to use.
      2. Click Manual Entry button.
      3. Enter DNS name of printer
      4. Click Obtain Status button and confirm scanner name appears.
      5. Click OK button.


  1. Connect to VPN (or refresh connection) using the GlobalProtect client.  Instructions are here:
  2. In Laserfiche, click the Scan button.  If it asks for scanning mode, select Standard mode.
  3. If you are prompted, in Scan Sources, select TWAIN, and in Scanner Setup, select TypeGeneric Network Scanner.
  4. Click the Gear toolbar icon to confirm TypeGeneric Network Scanner is selected.
  5. Click the Settings toolbar icon (beside the gear, looks like a checkbox).  Select the These settings radio button, and specify the desired scan settings.
  6. Prepare the documents for scanning at the printer.  Place the documents in the feeder tray.
  7. In Laserfiche, click Start Scanning.  The warm-up process can take a minute or two; be patient.

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