Frequently Asked Question

How do I access and use the web version of Laserfiche?
Last Updated 8 days ago

Log In

  1. Access Laserfiche Web through your web browser:
  2. Sign in with SD59\username and usual District password.  Note the SD59\ prefix is required.

Accessing Files

After logging in, Laserfiche starts in file view.  The left panel shows the current navigation path, including directory structure.  For ease of moving back and forth between directories, the breadcrumb trail is displayed directly under the top bar, and is updated as you navigate the directory structure.

Files and folders are shown in the main panel.  The currently selected folder is highlighted on the left panel.

You can access folders either through the left or main panel.  Clicking on a folder in the main panel navigates inside it, and updates the left panel accordingly.  Clicking on a folder on the left panel shows its contents in the main panel.

Clicking on a file in the main panel displays it in document view, which allows you to read the contents of the document.  Clicking the checkbox beside a file or folder in the main panel allows you to interact with its metadata in the right panel.


Searching for Files

While in the file view, the search bar along the top can be used to quickly locate files.  Searches are performed by keywords, but there are several options that can help narrow the search if you know information about the document(s) you are looking for.


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