Frequently Asked Question

Creating & Modifying Message Rules
Last Updated 4 years ago

I like to start by right clicking a message I want a rule to apply to.  One of the many options will be the following rules menu:


By selecting create Rule outlook will provide you with the following template to move the mail to a generic folder:


I want all mail from Jeff to go to a folder called "JeffMail" so I need to go back a step and create that folder


Rules can also perform other actions or multiple actions as pictured below (note the exclusions at the bottom):


Maybe you've got some rules you need to adjust or disable?  You can get to them in the Tools Menu:


You can double click to edit or uncheck to disable


Alternatively to all this you can also create, edit, and disable rules in webmail aka: by right clicking messages and going to "Advanced Options" or within the gear icon (top right) and "View all Outlook settings"


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