Frequently Asked Question

How do I access blocked YouTube videos?
Last Updated 4 years ago

By default, YouTube's restrictive mode is enabled while using SD59 networks. When signed in to Peacenet, staff have unrestricted access to YouTube content, and students have access to videos and channels approved by teachers.

If you are seeing that a video is blocked, and are not signed in to Peacenet, please follow the instructions below.

Instructions on how teachers can unblock videos for student access can be found at this knowledgebase article.


  1. Access the video you would like to view.

  2. Click the Sign In button in the top right corner of the page.

    If you don't see the Sign in button, you may already be logged in with another Google account.  If this is the case, sign out of this account first.

  3. On the Google sign in page, enter your Peacenet e-mail address. Your Peacenet e-mail address matches your SD59 e-mail address, except that the domain is, not


    SD59 e-mail address:
    Peacenet e-mail address:


    SD59 e-mail address:
    Peacenet e-mail address:

  4. If entered correctly, it should take you to the SD59 branded federated login page. Enter your usual SD59 username and password here.

  5. When fully signed in, return to the video.  For staff, you should now have unrestricted access.  For students, you will have access if the video has been approved by a teacher.

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