Frequently Asked Question

Accessing a Shared Calendar
Last Updated 5 months ago

Shared Calendars can be resource calendars or someone else's calendar

Outlook for Mac

  1. Click the Calendar View icon on the left side of the Outlook window.
  2. Click the Add Calendar button from the toolbar
  3. Search for the calendar or person (note searches are a "starts with" search)
  4. Select the Calendar to add from the search list.
  5. Click Open.

This calendar will remain here until you remove it.
See Appendix for a list of Available Shared Calendars


  1. Click the Calendar icon in the bottom left corner of Outlook
  2. Click the Home ribbon (toolbar)
  3. Click Open Calendar --> Open Shared Calendar
  4. Search for the Resource Calendar or Person (keep in mind that searches are a starts with search ie. First Name)
  5. Select the Calendar
  6. Click Open

For Shared Calendar Rooms you will need to click on Name then change the look in dropdown to All Rooms

This calendar will remain here until you remove it.
See Appendix for a list of Available Shared Calendars


  1. Click the Calendar icon in the bottom left corner of Outlook
  2. Click the Open Shared Calendar button from the toolbar
  3. Search for the Resource Calendar or Person (keep in mind that searches are a starts with search)
  4. Select the Calendar
  5. Click Open

This calendar will remain here until you remove it.
See Appendix for a list of Available Shared Calendars

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