Frequently Asked Question

How do I get around the Zoom time limit
Last Updated 2 years ago

Here's the clever bit. For this to work you'll have to a meeting, as opposed to jumping into one straight away.

Here's the clever bit. For this to work you'll have to Schedule a meeting, as opposed to jumping into one straight away.

In the settings window that appears, select Other Calendars under the Calendar heading.


Hit Schedule and all the info about the meeting will appear, including that all-important ID. Copy and paste this and send it to all your potential participants.

Once the call gets close the official 40-minute limit, a countdown clock will appear in the meeting window. At this point, the host should choose Leave Meeting (not End for All!). While it might look like the meeting has ended, if everyone clicks on the original joining link a new 40-minute period will start over again.

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