Frequently Asked Question

Collecting Consent Forms
Last Updated 4 years ago

Consent Forms

There are pre-designed technology consent forms on the All Staff sharepoint, and a knowledgebase article on how to prepopulate these forms to reduce any manual data entry.

Collecting Consent

Consent forms are only good for a single school year and must be resubmitted at the beginning of the school year if they are continuing on with the service.

With Coronavirus, it has made it difficult to do a lot of things the old way, so accommodations around this have been made.  To get consent without the parent actually signing the form:

Via Phone

Speak them on the phone (email is not good enough) to make sure that either they have read the consent form or you need to read it out to them.
Print out a copy of the form. Write out the following on the form:

  • Student Name
  • Parent/Guardian that you got verbal consent from
  • Date and Time
  • The school staff that was communicating with the parent.
Via Email
  • Send out the consent form via email asking for an email back if they consent.
  • Print out a copy of the form and a copy of the response back from the parent, and staple them together.

Granting Access

Once consent has been obtained, please submit a ticket.  Multiple students can be included on a single ticket.  The following information is required:

  • Student number(s) for the students in question.
  • Which service consent has been granted for.
  • A statement confirming consent has been collected for these students.  If you use the Student Consent Granted help topic, there is a checkbox for this on the ticket form.


Consent forms and supporting documentation should be filed at the school for the school year that they are valid.  It is recommended that they be stored in a central location for future reference, such as the office or library, and securely disposed of once their validity period has elapsed.

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