Frequently Asked Question

Google Apps
Last Updated 4 years ago

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a collaboration environment designed for education.
  • Assign student assignments
  • Collect student work
  • Gradebook

Google Hangouts

Google has temporarily added extra features to Google Apps to allow up to 250 participants in Google Hangouts video conferences until July 1, 2020.


  • Video Conferencing (one on one and group)
  • Chat (one on one and group)
  • Phone in option for students that don't have Internet access

How to Access

Student Account Creation Process

Please email Trevor Smith or your School Tech with a list of Student Numbers and Student Names to have accounts created. You must have a signed consent form filled out for each student that you request the accounts for prior to making the request.


Google Classroom:
Google Hangouts:

Privacy Concerns

Consent Form Download
Google Apps requires a consent form for account creation.
Although Google Hangouts allows inviting of guests. The archiving of those videos is potentially (most-likely) a violation of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Laws. Archiving of recorded meetings is fine if all participants have accounts/signed consent forms.

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