Frequently Asked Question
How do I update my computer's software?
Last Updated 9 months ago
Managed Software Center is the preferred way to keep your computer's software up-to-date. It handles Apple software updates, as well as other software managed by SD59 including adding printers.
(Some updates require you to quit the updated applications or if a system update, it may restart your computer and/or shut down updating applications). When doing updates please make sure that your computer is plugged in and connected to the school sd59staff or sd59student network.
- Open the Managed Software Center application. It is found in the Macintosh HD > Applications folder and/or click the triangle icon in the top left and select SD59 Managed Software. Here is what the application Icon looks like.
- Click on the Updates tab at the top of the window. Here is an example of what the Tab looks like. It may be left the of the screen like this.
- If available, click the Check Again button in the top right corner, and allow Managed Software Center to scan for available updates.
or - If any pending updates are available, click the Update Now button in the top right corner or click cancel at this screen to skip apple system updates and then update all
- If you get this screen to upgrade now, please click on the lower more info and click update all