Frequently Asked Question

How to set up elementary school attendance classes?
Last Updated 6 years ago

Tasks set up your school attendance classes, complete in the following order,

  1. School View, Staff Toptab, Staff list, please email me with any of the staff changes and I will make adjustments for you;
  2. School View, Staff Toptab, Staff list, attach homeroom number to staff, if you need to add a homeroom number please email me;
  3. School View, Student Toptab, Student list, make sure every student has a calendar, assign students to homerooms;
  4. School View, Schedule Toptab, Master Schedule, make any changes to the attendance classes, ie, primary staff, platoon(homeroom) number, set schedule term code FY, Schedule 1(1), etc;
  5. School View, Schedule Toptab, Master Schedule, Roster Leaf, add students into the attendance classes;

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