Frequently Asked Question
How to set up elementary school attendance classes?
Last Updated 6 years ago
Tasks set up your school attendance classes, complete in the following order,
- School View, Staff Toptab, Staff list, please email me with any of the staff changes and I will make adjustments for you;
- School View, Staff Toptab, Staff list, attach homeroom number to staff, if you need to add a homeroom number please email me;
- School View, Student Toptab, Student list, make sure every student has a calendar, assign students to homerooms;
- School View, Schedule Toptab, Master Schedule, make any changes to the attendance classes, ie, primary staff, platoon(homeroom) number, set schedule term code FY, Schedule 1(1), etc;
- School View, Schedule Toptab, Master Schedule, Roster Leaf, add students into the attendance classes;