Frequently Asked Question
MyEducation BC has the ability to use replacement characters for name, gender, he/she, etc.These are called “tokens”.The codes to be used for character replacement are as defined in the table below.
Filter type | Description | If you type this: | This appears in the comment: |
Count | The number of elements in a collection. | {{student.conductIncidents|count}} | 2 (the student has 2 conduct incidents on file) |
Capitalize | The system capitalizes the first letter. | {{person.firstName|capitalize}} | Elizabeth |
Titlecase | The system enters the text in titlecase format. | {{“parents and caregivers”|titlecase}} | Parents and Caregivers |
Ordinal | The system enters a numerical value in ordinal format. | {{person.firstName}}’s {{student.conductIncidents|count|ordinal}} incident was the last documented offense. | Timothy’s 3rd incident was the last documented offense. |
Upper | The system enters the test in all uppercase. | {{person.firstName|upper}} | JANE |
Lower | The system enters the text in all lowercase. | {{person.firstName|lower}} | jane |
Trim | The system enters the text with all white space trimmed. | {{person.physicalAddress.addressLine01|tri m}}, such as 123 Main Streetxxx | 123 Main Street (The address without any spaces before or after the text) |
Gender | The system enters the gender term based on "Male" or "Female". | {{“Male”|gender:boy,girl,it}} OR {{person.genderCode|gender:He, She}} {{person.genderCode|gender:His, Her}} {{person.genderCode|gender:His, Her|lower}} | Boy OR He or She His or Her his or her |
Length | The number of characters in text. | {{person.firstName|length}}, such as Jane | 4 (number of characters in the student’s name) |
To access your personal comment bank, go to Tools toptab, Comments sidetab, click on School Comments in blue;
To create a canned comment in your comment bank, click on Options menu, and add;
You can use the tokens/codes in here, click on Save when done.